3D model customization

Didn’t find the plant or object you were looking for in our 3D store?

Ask for your personalized 3D model!

In just 3 steps, receive your personalized, ready-to-use, high-definition 3D model:


Your request

Use the form to send your request, together with your reference image.


Your quotation

We will send you a personalized quotation as soon as possible.


Your model

Your ready-to-use 3D model will be delivered for immediate import into your scene.

Request a customized 3D model

It’s very simple: just complete and return the form below.

The team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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    By submitting this form, you agree that the information entered may be used to process your request. You may rectify them, request their deletion or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data (as specified in the legal notice).


    *Required fields

    Compatibility of our customized 3D models
    for your visualizations and renderings

    Our custom 3D models are available as Lumion or FBX files, and are therefore compatible with a wide range of 3D design and rendering software.

    We can also offer formats other than those listed below, depending on your requirements. Please contact us with your request.


    Do you have a question about our customized 3D models?

    What types of customized 3D models do you offer?

    We customize a wide variety of 3D models: designer architectural objects, plants, characters, vehicles…. If you have a specific requirement, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your needs.

    How can I submit my reference images?

    Please submit an initial reference image via the online Customization Request form, available on this page. You can then send us more at a later date, following our initial discussion of your request.

    Please provide files in .jpg or .png format. (maximum weight 25 mb)

    How long does it take to receive a customized 3D model?

    Production times vary according to the complexity of the model. On average, customization takes between 5 and 10 working days. We will provide you with a more precise deadline when you submit your request.

    Can I view my customized 3D model before it is finalized?

    Absolutely! We provide you with access to the Monday collaborative platform, enabling you to follow the progress of your 3D model’s production in real time, and to annotate your observations for modification if necessary. The final file will be made available to you after final validation.

    How much does it cost to customize a 3D model?

    Prices vary according to the complexity of the model and the materials used. A quotation will be provided after review of your customization request.

    If you have any further questions about our 3D model customization services, we’ll be happy to help.
    Please contact us with your request.

    Our 3D experts are available to study your request for 3D model customization.

    Thank you for your confidence.